EASL Highlights
Mediahuset and HIV Virology News invite you to our EASL Highlights
webinar, summarizing the most important topics from EASL 2021!
We hope that you are able to join us online, either live or on demand after the event. The live
participants can of course ask questions and comment online. This webcast is free of charge
and will also be available on demand at our website hivvirology.com after the event.
Date: 1st of July Time: 6pm-8pm (CET)
Read more and register here: mediahuset.link/EASL_highlight
Highlights of the EASL-International Liver Congress: Selection by the Hannover Liver Team
Chair: Heiner Wedemeyer
• “B is back and D=Devil”: Current and future treatment concepts of
hepatitis B and D (Prof. Markus Cornberg)
• Liver cirrhosis: understanding and treating complications of portal
hypertension (PD Dr. Benjamin Maasoumy)
• The nodule in the cirrhotic liver: how to screen? How to diagnose liver cancer?
How to treat HCC and CCC? (Prof. Arndt Vogel)
• General Hepatology: From HCV elimination to NASH to PSC, PBC and AIH
(Prof. Heiner Wedemeyer)