Dr. Graeme Moyle
MD, MB BS, Dip. GUM Dr. Graeme Moyle is currently the Director of HIV Research Strategy at the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital in London, United Kingdom.
Prof. Jürgen Rockstroh
Jürgen Rockstroh, MD, is Professor of Medicine and Head of the HIV Outpatient Clinic at the University of Bonn in Germany. Former president of EACS.
Prof. Marta Boffito
MD, PhD, FRCP, MBA, consultant physician at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and Imperial College London, London, UK. Clinical Director of HIV, Sexual and Gender Health, Dermatology at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.
Prof. Magnus Gisslén
Head of the HIV unit at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Editor in chief, HIV & Virology News.