
Dr. Gisslén is associated professor in Infectious Disease. He shares his time between clinical work as senior consultant and head of the HIV unit at the Dpt of Infectious Diseases, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden, and clinical HIV research, holding a senior research position at the Swedish Research Council. The main interest of his current research is HIV persistence and latent reservoirs, mainly focusing on the HIV infection of the central nervous system. He is currently member of the Committee for Swedish HIV Treatment Guidelines, the Swedish National HIV Register (InfCare HIV) and appointed for The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare.

Dr. Graeme Moyle is currently the Director of HIV Research Strategy at the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital in London, United Kingdom. Dr. Moyle received his medical degree (MB, BS) and doctorate (MD) from the University of Adelaide in Adelaide, South Australia. He is a member of the IAS core faculty and has served on the British HIV Association Treatment Guidelines Writing Committee and is a Medical advisor for the UK National AIDS Manual.

Dr José R Arribas is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Autonoma University School of Medicine in Madrid and research director at the HIV unit of La Paz Hospital, Madrid, Spain. His research interests include antiretroviral therapy and development of new antiretrovirals. Dr Arribas is a member of the GESIDA (Spanish Group for the study of AIDS) and a member of the executive comitte of the EACS (European AIDS Clinical Society).